Why Do Marketing Campaigns Fail?
What Causes Marketing Campaigns To Fail? One of the most effective tools in brand building and awareness is the marketing campaign. The concept is simple enough: this is a coordinated approach to market a specific brand and/or product to a specific audience through spec
Trust Building Strategies for Your Clients
Strategies for Building Consumer Trust in Your Brand Consumer trust is the confidence customers have in a company, brand, or product and is built and lost on a variety of factors ranging from integrity to popularity. This confidence is often built around different ideol
Identifying and Marketing to Your Target Audience
How To Identify the Target Audience for Your Brand When you think about your favorite brands, which ones come to mind? The first brands to pop into your brain could be anything from Nabisco to Louis Vuitton. Now consider where you might have most recently seen advertise
What Impacts Engagement With Your Brand?
Factors That Can Impact Customer Engagement for Your Brand If you want to build long lasting customer engagement, you need to connect your consumers to your brand emotionally and rationally. The power of brand engagement is that a customer feels a positive emotional res